"Steptoe Town as seen from Steptoe Butte, Whitman County, WA"

"Manning Bridge Different Perspective"
This is the Manning Bridge near Colfax from a little different perspective. This is an old wooden railroad bridge long abandoned and currently used by motor vehicles for a private driveway.

"Sundown at My Favorite Tree in the Palouse"
Located near Steptoe Butte, this tree remains one of the most beautiful shaped trees in the region. This year I caught it at sunset. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Galactic Night Rider Revisited"
This old Kenworth School Bus spent its last days out in the desert awaiting its fate. During that time it attracted many artists who kept the evolving paint scheme going. Then there was the occasional photographer who saw it for its beauty. Sadly it has been removed from the desert never to be admired again.

"Palouse Sunflowers too"
The Palouse Country is home to many crops such as wheat, canola, barley and many others. In my opinion though, the most beautiful are the sunflowers. I think I was able to capture the essence of that beauty in this image. Feel free to let me know which one you like best.

"Palouse Sunflowers"
The Palouse Country is home to many crops such as wheat, canola, barley and many others. In my opinion though, the most beautiful are the sunflowers. I think I was able to capture the essence of that beauty in this image.

"Dusk at Palouse Falls"
Palouse Falls is one of the most spectacular water falls in Eastern Washington located between Washtucna and Starbuck on the Palouse River. This location become even more spectacular during a short time in the spring when all of the vegetation is green. This image depicts the falls at its best time of the year.

"Lined Up and Ready to Go"
These old barns are located near Oaksdale, Washington. I was especially taken by the contrasting colors and beautiful textures in this image.

"The Decline of Public Schools"
The Skeen School House located in Whitman County, Washington stands forlorn in a wheat field near Palouse, Wa. No students have attended this school in many years. This wonderful old build is in a state of decline much like our public school system of today is in decline.

"Eriksen Barn St. John, Washington"
This magnificent old barn located near St. John Washington has received much tender loving care and a careful restoration by the Eriksen Family. It’s beauty is enhanced by the reflecting pond located nearby. Originally built in 1915, it is one of several beautiful restored barns in Whitman County.

"Railroad Grain Terminal at Palouse, WA"
This railroad grain terminal is the first stop for harvested wheat before being put on trains to be exported from the Palouse, The Breadbasket of Washington State, to the rest of the world. This is one of many grain terminals in the region that facilitates the timely transportation of wheat to the rest of the world.

"Heidenreich Dairy Barn"
This Old Barn is located along SR 272 near Colfax, WA. Its restoration was completed by David and Becky Buri in 2010. This is one of the more famous barns in Whitman County, Washington and stands as a testimonial for preserving the past.

"Heidenreich Dairy Barn Also"
This Old Barn is located along SR 272 near Colfax, WA. Its restoration was completed by David and Becky Buri in 2010. This is one of the more famous barns in Whitman County, Washington and stands as a testimonial for preserving the past.

"Govan Schoolhouse"
The Govan school was built in 1905. It was staffed by two teachers. It remained in operation until 1942 when it was consolidated with the Wilbur School District. This old building is located just outside of the town of Almira in Lincoln County, Washington. If you look carefully you can see it from Highway 2 off in the distance.

"The Old Barn in the Green Wheatfield at Sunset"
This old barn near Colfax, Washington seems to lose a few more boards every winter, yet when spring comes and the wheat turns green it stands magnificently contrasting itself with the green wheat and the blue sky. When the sun starts to set the colors become even more striking.

"The Forlorned Grain Elevator"
Just south of Pullman, WA, this old elevator sits along the highway decaying more each year. Season after season it loses a little more paint and sags a little more. What a history it must have had. I am so happy to have captured this image before it falls.

"The Manning Covered Bridge"
This yesteryear railroad bridge is located near Colfax, Washington. Each Year it shows more deterioration, but still stands as a reminder to days gone by.

"Discarded and Forgotten"
This fine old car has long been discarded and forgotten out in the middle of the Desert in Douglas County, Washington. If it could talk it would be saying "I am waiting here to be restored so that I can once again proudly be useful. Although old and rusty it is still beautiful.

"The Stories that Could be Told . . ."
As this 65 year old farm truck sits along the highway imagine the stories that it could tell about its days in the fields and the people who drove it. Now as we look inside we can only imagine the stories and what it would have been like to work on the ranch in those days. But alas, here it sits attracting birds, rust and small critters, retired and replaced by a newer model.

"Ready for Restoration"
This stately old barn is located just outside of Colfax, Washington on SR 272. It stands on the top of this hill decaying and begging for a restoration. It retains its beauty through its years of patina. Hopefully someday soon a restoration may start.

"The grain elevator at Ragon Road"
Sitting atop Steptoe Butte one has a commanding view of the surrounding area. One feature is this great grain elevator surrounded by green winter and spring wheat all around for as far as the eye can see.

"Beautiful Old Barns"
This cluster of old barns and an old equipment shed are located near Oaksdale, Washington. I was especially taken by the contrasting colors and beautiful textures in this image.

"The Red Barn Near St John"

"The Old Barn on Shahan Road"
This old barn as it approaches its golden years remains useful to it’s owner while adding rustic decoration to it beautiful surrounding creating a contrast between the youthful young wheat growing around its extreme maturity

"The Old Skeen Schoolhouse - Whitman County, WA"

"The Palouse Country Barn - Whitman County, WA"

"Palouse Super Moon"
Near the small Eastern Washington town of Palouse lies the old Skeen Schoolhouse now used for storage by its owner. Early in the evening as the sun is setting the Moon rises over the hills to the east.

"Surveying his Domain"
As I was approaching the town of Palouse this pinto horse caught my attention as he stood in the doorway of his barn. As I watched him though, it was apparent that was his spot to be happy while surveying his domain. When I came back through in the early evening he was in the same spot as if he had not moved all day. In the autumn of his life this horse could be seen standing in this doorway each time I would pass by. Then one day he was not there. I learned later that he had passed away. This old fellow had become an area icon as he was even featured in a Chamber of Commerce pamphlet. I miss seeing him.

"May at the Whitman County Growers"
Springtime in Steptoe always provides an array of beautiful wheat fields for as far as the eye can see. Steptoe Butte provides a platform to view this beauty. Here we see the Whitman County Growers elevator in Steptoe surrounded by the wheat that it will store later in the summer.

The Old Weber Farm
This magnificent old house remains standing although it has been abandoned for many years. The family continues growing and harvesting crops of wheat and canola around it taking care not to damage or alter it in any way. This old homestead is an icon of the area to photographers.
Pullman, Washington

"Beautiful Old Barns Go Away"
I photographed this old barn in June of 2016 as it sat in disrepair along US 195 just outside of Colfax. When I went back a month later, it was gone without a trace. Thank goodness, I got this image.

"Roof Collapse"
This old barn served for many years. However age took its toll and it began to weaken. Finally the burden of a snowy winter caused its complete collapse.